The Power of Strings with Penny
Meet Penny Brill, a musician with a talent to compose sound and share her wholehearted passion that will pull at your heartstrings. Penny’s mission to create interactive community events with music has always aligned with Open Up. Together we curate live music yoga classes that meet students' physical, social, and emotional needs. Our Yoga with the Symphony class always fills up because teachers and students are delighted by Penny’s musicality. We are grateful for her dedication to perform live music. Learn about Penny, our longest volunteer, and connect with her at our next Yoga with the Symphony class.
Introduction, how do you like to introduce yourself? What would you like us to know about you and your role with Open Up |
I’m Penny Anderson Brill, a violist of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra of 42 years. While I have retired from the symphony performances, I continue to create music in lots of settings where music can be healing. I play at hospitals, schools for kids on spectrum, The Woodlands’ camps, and for folks interested in music.
I believe music helps to optimize the quality of life and it’s the most meaningful thing I can do at this moment in my life.
Why is Open Up's mission important |
Open Up empowers students by giving them opportunities in movement and creative expressions that are appropriate for particular levels. You see students young and old transform into confident leaders when they are given guidance to do what they can do versus limited by what they can’t do. They take it really seriously.
Explain the skills you share at Open Up |
Curating live performances for yoga classes. The music lineup depends on the season, time of day when the class takes place, the style of the class, and whether I have a fellow musician. Typically I create an appropriate variety that aligns with a gentle flow. Beginning with soft tones, building into more upbeat excitable sound, and then slowing it down for restorative. I’m aware of songs that might sound too familiar, as it’s important that the music elevates the class and does not distract. I attempt to coordinate the music created to act like a cushion to support emotional responses with a cozy feeling in the space.
Allie Thomas, a cellist, has partnered with me for several classes. When we can play together, grounding tones create a stronger depth. I enjoy playing with Allie because it anchors the student and the room. This element invites students to receive a steady calm.
How have you been impacted by Open Up |
Open Up’s optimism and hope to create unique classes for everyone to enjoy is very special. I love working with Open Up. We’ve done classes in all kinds of spaces, events, and even throughout all the construction next to the current studio! We have kept it up because we know the value these classes bring to students and communities.
Tell us a story about an Open Up program |
Recording music clips in a sound booth at Carnegie Library. These music clips were fun to create and resulted in a whole collection. There were voice overs for sound guided meditations, some familiar, excitable, and soothing sounds that creates adventure. Recording music is valuable because it’s an accessible way to share the musical experience.
Listen and take a voyage on the Skye Boat Song, dance along to the Lannigan’s Ball, or a dip Under The Sea!
What's one of your fondest memories of Open Up |
I was supporting a fundraising event called Spin Your Wheels and I got the chance to experience Megan as a teacher supporting the movement of various students’. I was truly inspired by her knowledge, comfortable level, and confidence as she helped students connect to their bodies.
Describe elements of mindfulness that inspire you |
An element of mindfulness that inspires me is how the vibration is created. Open Up’s studio resonates to the frequency of live music with the textures of the walls and structure of the room. It’s very flattering to the quality the instrumental sound can deliver. The sound can successfully create warm, uplifting, and soothing tones.
Give three words that describe your connection with Open Up |
Safety, Calm, Support